We know the journey doesn't end when your child's treatment does...
The services listed on this page exist to provide support for your family beyond the end of your child's treatment. For more information on any of our programs and services, please email us at programs@thecircleofcare.org.
Financial Assistance
Our Lifeline Emergency Funds are available for Connecticut families or families treated at one of our partner hospitals. This program can alleviate non-medical expenses related to your family's living or travel costs. Circle of Care pays creditors directly, requiring a bill we can pay on your behalf. Your hospital social worker must sign off on all requests for financial assistance.
In addition to bill pay, we can also assist your family with gift cards to supplement your gas and grocery costs. To discuss with our team how we can help your family, please email programs@thecircleofcare.org

Resource Guide for You
Our Purple Pages is a resource guide created for you by those who have had a child with cancer. It ensures you have access to all the relevant information you may need throughout your child's treatment and after - without the clutter and overwhelm of doing your own internet search. Inside, you will find other resources outside of Circle of Care that can support your family emotionally throughout this time.
This guide is updated twice yearly with resources gathered from families in our Circle and reviewed by our team to eliminate any guesswork for you. All resources should be active and up to date. If you find a problem with any of the resources in our guide or would like to suggest an addition, please let us know here.

Educational Funding
Our Education Award provides educational funding for those in our Circle pursuing higher education, including two- and four-year colleges, technical schools, and certification programs. Funding is provided directly to the student to assist with their educational needs.
Our application for assistance opens in January, and decisions are made in May. Recipients are invited to a reception in June to receive their awards. We do not currently provide graduate school funding. Eligible families in our Circle can email us for more information.

Peer Connection for Adolescents & Young Adults
Our AYA Program provides peer connection opportunities for survivors and patients ages 15-26 to meet and engage with each other while participating in an activity or outing with the Circle of Care team. We've hosted trips to Foxwoods, Beach Bash parties, holiday light tours, and more... These trips are prompted by interest from our AYA community. If you want to join our Circle and express interest in an outing, click here.